Head boy and girl for Gordon International School-Port Moresby
Gordon International School in Port Moresby had its first principal’s award ceremony last Friday.
It was witnessed by parents and students.
The school enrolls students from kinder garden to grade eight and awardees received certificates for various criteria, among them, settling well into class routines and doing very best in learning.
Deputy school principal Ms Florence Somen also announced the SRC representative head girl and head boy of the year.
The head girl is Joyce Marie Jendeng and head boy is Gilbert Paka.
There were 14 of them in the SRC-seven boys and seven girls.
Leading up to the election where grades 3 to 8 were eligible to vote she said: “They had to present in front of grades 3 to 8 as part for their leadership campaign.”
These students used persuasive languages and it was very successful that the head boy and girl scored though absolute majority.
Ms Somen said all students who voted had their fingers painted with indelible ink just like adults who went to the polls.
“There were no double voting,” she said.